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Page history last edited by MrTundraMan 12 years, 11 months ago

Help for those who have been abused by Calvary Chapel


There are resources out there to help those who have been abused by Calvary Chapel



Great BLOG covering CC Visalia pastor Bob Grenier's abuse of his sons and the one son, Alex's quest to get justice.


Venting here

This site is one such resource. You can comment on any article posted here. Letting others know about your pain is one way of relieving the pain.


Calvary Chapel BLOG

There's a CC BLOG here.


Stages of Loss

Recognize that there are stages of loss and grief that come along with leaving Calvary Chapel. The Kübler-Ross' model of loss may be of some help as you deal with the emotions you are feeling.


Avoid re-abusers

People who fall into abusive relationships often do it again. Use care to not allow yourself to be reabused. That is why those who deny CC abuse will not be allowed to re-victimize others here by denying their pain.


Moderated listserve

A moderated listserve was started in March 1999 to handle the growing numbers of reports of spiritual and emotional abuse in the Calvary Chapel movement.


Phoenix Preacher BLOG

Another great on-line resource used to be the Phoenix Preacher BLOG. Be aware that Calvary Chapelites frequent the group and attempt to reabuse victims by minimizing their pain. Many of the people on the BLOG were in the process of recovery from their Calvary Chapel involvement.


Fill out an on-line survey form

Let CCOF know about your experiences by filling out this form.


An Approach to Forgiveness

Here's an approach to forgiveness that I'm sure you never heard at Calvary Chapel. The attempt is to not revictimize those who were abused but to recognize their cry for justice.


Articles and Books on Spiritual Abuse


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